Mental Toughness in Karate: Building Resilience at The Acres Club


Karate is not just about muscles, it is also about the power of your mind. It is about staying focused, determined, and resilient. Dear readers, welcome to our new blog where we will explore the exciting path of mental toughness in Karate and how it is essential to become resilient warriors. 

Beyond the physical aspects, Karate is a mind game. It is about conquering self-doubt, staying calm under pressure, and adapting to whatever comes your way during practice or match. This is why talking about Mental toughness in Karate is important.

Why mental toughness is important in Karate:

While playing Karate, being mentally tough is like having a secret superpower. Mental toughness is nothing but a strong mind that helps you face challenges and improve at Karate. In practice sessions or during matches, staying calm is super important. It is about making smart decisions, not letting stress take over, and keeping your cool in the heat of the moment. Imagine you are in the middle of a tough Karate training session, your muscles are burning and your trainer is pushing you to your limit. Now this is where your mental strength comes into action. It is the mental grit that helps you push through tough situations like this and finish strong. 

Being mentally tough and prepared is telling yourself “ I can do this!” When things get hard. It is about believing in yourself. Karate is a journey of continual improvement. Mental strength ensures consistency in training, even when it gets tough. It keeps you going and helps you improve day by day. 

Mental Mastery in Karate:

Karate is a big adventure, not just about learning kicks and punches but also training your mind. Mental mastery is like being the boss of your thoughts. Usually, people only focus on making their body strong, but making your mind strong is also super important for any game. 

In Karate staying focused is like having a special Karate superpower. When you master your mind it turns this superpower on, helping you pay attention and do your moves right.

You can not win a Karate match only by throwing powerful kicks and punches but playing a clever game with your mind. When a Karate player learns how to master their thoughts, it boosts his/her confidence and self-belief. Confidence is a game changer in making Karate moves more powerful and precise.

Mind-body connection:

In Karate, your body and mind team up like the ultimate tag duo. Your brain is the commander, and your body follows the orders of your brain. When they sync well, your kicks, punches, and blocks become powerful and strategic. It’s not just about using your muscles, it is about using your brain to tell those muscles exactly what to do.

Now let’s talk about why this connection is important in Karate. For starters, it makes your moves more effective and quick. When your mind and body are in sync every kick packs a punch, and every block is on point. The mind-body connection goes beyond Karate. It helps you in everyday life. Whether it is facing challenges or staying calm under pressure, the mental toughness you gain from Karate becomes a life skill.

Practical tips for mental toughness:

In the journey of Karate, mental toughness is the secret ingredient that transforms challenges into victory. Let’s uncover some practical tips to strengthen your mental game.

  1. Visualisation– Visualisation is a powerful technique that gives your brain positive signals. Your brain is incapable of distinguishing between fact and fantasy. Picture success before you achieve it. Close your eyes and imagine yourself flawlessly executing Karate moves, winning matches, and overcoming obstacles. This brain exercise helps in creating a roadmap for success in your mind.
  1. Positive Affirmation– Replace your thoughts with positive thoughts. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities. Before Karate classes or a match, repeat positive affirmations like “I am strong”, “I am focused”, or “I can handle the hurdles that come my way”. Telling yourself these positive statements will build a positive mindset and boost your confidence to the next level.
  1. Mindful Breathing– Stay calm and focused during challenging moments. Include mindful breathing into your practice routine. Take slow and deep breaths focusing on each breath. This not only helps to manage stress but also keeps your mind in the 

present moment, allowing you to approach the situation with clarity and calmness.

By following these tips into your Karate journey, you will be able to strengthen your mind and also unlock the full potential of your mind-body connection.

Building Resilience at The Acres Club:

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Karate coaching in collaboration with renowned institution Karate-Do Gojukai India. If you are from Mumbai, living in Chembur, or in nearby areas searching for ‘karate classes near me’ then The Acres Club brings to you Karate coaching classes by expert coaches. 

Learning Karate at The Acres Club is like stepping into an inclusive and supportive environment. Teaming up with Karate- Do Gojukai, India, The Acres Club offers a special place to begin your Karate journey. At the Acres Club, you feel welcomed and supported by everyone around you. If we talk about the training, you will be guided at every step by our expert coaches. They believe in giving personal assistance to every player.

Here you not only learn kicks and punches, but we will help you build a strong mind and resilience. We incorporate mental toughness-building practices like visualisation, breathing techniques, and positive affirmations in our training sessions. At the Acres Club, you will be surrounded by a supportive community. You will get a chance to engage with fellow Karate enthusiasts who can uplift and encourage you. We believe in celebrating small victories to boost your confidence. 

The Acres Club is not just a training place, it is a nurturing ground for growth. So get ready to embark on a journey of learning Karate from scratch with discipline and resilience. 

Join us today and learn traditional Japanese Gojukai Karate with us and master the art of Karate. 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for exciting videos. Stay tuned for such informative blogs.

Read our next blog The Art Of Hospitality: How The Fern Residency Goes Above And Beyond

5 Winter Swimming Myths That Chill Freeze Your Aquatic Learning in Winter


Winter significantly affects swimming in various ways. With winter approaching, some parents hesitate to send their kids to swim in the cold water. Some people drop their plans to take swimming coaching because of the winter. Winter can present challenges for swimmers but it is important to remember that swimming in winter is not a bad idea at all. In this blog, we will clear up doubts/myths people have about winter swimming.


Learning to swim is a summer activity 

One of the common myths about winter swimming is that swimming is exclusively a summer activity and it is not safe to learn or enjoy it during cooler months. But that’s not true! Swimming in cooler months can be great for your health. Swimming in cooler months can boost your immune system, increase blood circulation, and make you feel fresh and energetic throughout the day. Swimming can be fun and beneficial all year round.


Pools are too cold to swim in winter

Another common myth about winter swimming is that pool water will be too cold to swim in cooler months. It is true that cool temperatures make the pool water cold but there are many coaching centers or swimming pool facilities that offer heated swimming pools.

If you are also worried about the temperature drop of the water and hesitating to take swimming coaching then The Acres Club has something to offer you, a Heated Swimming Pool. Heated pools provide comfortable and enjoyable swimming by adjusting the temperature automatically. So don’t worry about the pool being too cold, heated pools make winter swimming a cozy and enjoyable experience.


Swimming in winter causes cold 

There is a belief that swimming in cooler temperatures causes you to catch a cold, but this is far from the truth. Swimming in cooler temperatures, when done safely, doesn’t directly lead to falling sick. Swimming in cooler temperatures can boost your immune system and improve your resistance to illnesses. Colds are typically caused by viruses and not by exposure to cold water. So don’t let this myth keep you away from learning or enjoying swimming all year round.


Swimming in winter causes muscle cramps –

It is a misbelief that cold water causes muscle cramps, it’s not true. Cold water alone doesn’t directly cause muscle cramps; it can occur in any water temperature. It is mainly led by overexertion or inadequate stretching before swimming. Whether it be cool temperature or warm temperature, it is crucial to warm up properly when you swim. So don’t let this myth scare you away from swimming in cooler months, it is safe as long as you take the right precautions and practise good swimming habits.


Swimming in winter makes your skin dry –

Well, this is true that cold water or winter weather can be harsh on the skin, but that is not the whole truth. Dry skin is a result of not properly rinsing off after swimming to cleanse your body of pool chemicals like chlorine and not moisturising it enough. Thus, it doesn’t occur only in winter, it can happen anytime all year round when proper post-swimming skincare is not followed. So don’t let this thought discourage you from continuing your aquatic learnings during cooler months. Proper hydration and moisturising can help maintain healthy skin during cooler months as well as after swimming in cool temperatures.


Heated Pool at The Acres Club

To all the parents and those who are hesitant to take swimming coaching in cooler months, The Acres Club is all set to beat cool temperatures with its heated swimming pool. Even when it is cold outside, our pool adjusts the temperature automatically so don’t worry about shivering in the cold water. Don’t miss out on the joy of swimming just because it’s winter. Enjoy your aquatic learnings and have fun all year round at Chembur’s only heated swimming pool. Our swimming pool is a great place to learn swimming or simply practice swimming. Our pool is well maintained and hygienic. So what are you waiting for? Come and join us today and have fun at our exclusive heated swimming pool.


Follow The Acres Club on Facebook and Instagram. Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel  and stay tuned for such exciting blogs.

Read our next blog Swimming Safety – Tips For Safe And Enjoyable Swim where we have shared some tips on swimming safety. 

Swimming Safety – Tips For Safe And Enjoyable Swim


Swimming safety is super important for all swimmers, no matter whether you are a beginner or a pro. Why? Accidents can happen to anyone, so learning how to swim safely can prevent that. When a beginner just starts swimming, he/she may not be familiar with the challenges they can face in the water. Learning how to swim safely helps beginners build confidence and reduce the risk of accidents. When professional swimmers participate in open water swimming, they swim in tricky locations like oceans, giant lakes, and big rivers. Water can be tricky at such places with currents and depths, so swimming safety measures become crucial in such cases.

Swimming is fun and healthy, but if we are not careful we can get hurt. Plus it is smart to know what to do when someone is in trouble in the water. So swimming safety is our superhero cape; it ensures enjoyment, fitness, and most importantly life safety in the water.

In this blog, we will be sharing some safety tips to enhance your swimming experience.


  • Choose the right swimming location 

 It is very important to choose the right location for swimming. Prefer locations with lifeguards on duty whenever possible. Lifeguards are trained to respond quickly in case of emergencies. Lifeguards keep a watchful eye on swimmers and are equipped with rescue equipment. If you are swimming in open water be cautious of areas of strong currents, tides, or other hazardous conditions. Swimming in such places without lifeguards can be extremely risky. Keep in mind that water conditions can change with the weather and seasons so stay informed about the local weather conditions of the chosen swimming location before heading to the beach or pool.  

  • Pre-swimming preparation 

Before jumping into the water there are a few things you should do. First, make sure you have the right swimwear and goggles that fit you well. Then do some gentle exercises like stretches to warm up your muscles and prevent cramps. Always check the water conditions and be aware of any rules at the swimming spot. Make sure you can swim in that area and check the location of the lifeguards. Don’t eat a heavy meal right before swimming. Keep yourself hydrated, and drink plenty of water. Avoid consumption of alcohol. These simple steps will help you have a safe and fun time in the water.

  • Use water safety equipment 

Using water safety equipment is important for swimmers of all levels, no matter if you are just starting to swim or you are really good at it. Knowing how to use water safety tools is a fundamental aspect of ensuring your and others’ safety. Learn about all water safety equipments in your swimming sessions from your swimming coach, and make sure you use those equipments every time you swim. They help to keep you safe if something unexpected happens.

  • Follow rules and etiquette 

Rules are for good reason, they help prevent accidents and chaos. Make sure you are aware of all the rules at the swimming spot before jumping into the water. Don’t purposefully splash others. Share swimming space. By following rules and practising good swimming etiquette, we not only protect ourselves but also contribute towards a more enjoyable swimming experience for all.  

  • Learn CPR techniques and first-aid skills 

Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, in or around water. Knowledge of basic first aid and CPR can be a lifesaver. First aid skills can help you take immediate care of minor injuries like cuts. Having CPR knowledge can be a lifesaver if someone experiences drowning or sudden cardiac arrest in or around water. These skills give you the power to take immediate action in emergencies, for yourself or others.

  • Children’s Safety 

When we talk about swimming safety, children take centre stage. Children are naturally curious about swimming but they may not be aware of potential dangers. Always monitor children when they are in or around water. Educate your child about water safety irrespective of whether they know swimming or not. For the safety of your swimmer child, teach them the importance of listening to lifeguards and following pool rules. If your child is not a strong swimmer, ensure to enrol him/her in swimming classes and give them proper swimming training before getting into the water.

  • Learn essential swimming skills from professional coaches 

Learning swimming lessons from professional coaches can be adventurous for you. Apart from giving you the best training, they can teach you vital water safety knowledge such as recognizing hazards, and understanding currents. At The Acres Club, our experienced and professional instructors ensure that you not only learn to swim but also understand essential safety measures in and around water. 

  • Identify common swimming hazards 

Common swimming hazards can occur even in the most inviting pools or pleasant beaches. Some common hazards include hidden underwater rocks, underwater obstacles, slippery areas by the pool, and strong water currents. Keep an eye on sudden weather changes. Weather change can make swimming risky. 

  • Skin Care 

Skin care is often underestimated in swimming. The chlorine in the swimming pool water, sunlight, and saltwater in open water swimming can be tough on your skin. So applying sunscreen on your body before going to swim is like wearing a safety shield to protect your skin from the harsh UV rays. After swimming, rinse off to remove pool chemicals or salt from your skin. It is important to moisturise your skin after swimming to keep it hydrated.

Know your limits 

Last but not least, it is important to understand your limits. Knowing your limits means you should be aware of how comfortable and skilled you are as a swimmer and not pushing yourself beyond that point. Knowing your limits can prevent exhaustion, panic, and potential accidents and make swimming more fun and safe.   

Following these tips can make your swimming experience joyful and safe. 

To conclude, swimming is a joyful and refreshing activity that can bring fitness to our life. However, it comes with its share of risks. Safety while swimming is a very important aspect of swimming and we should not underestimate it. Learning the right skills, knowing the rules, spotting the hazards, and knowing your limits can make you safe in the water. So when you jump in the water, be smart and make your every swim memorable! 

Stay tuned for more exciting blogs coming your way! Comment your queries regarding sports and sports coaching and we will answer them in our FAQ blogs.

Read our next blog Badminton & Beyond: From Evolution To Popularity In India.

Squash Training At The Acres Club: All about Squash game a beginner must know


Are you a beginner who wants to embark on a journey of playing Squash? Or perhaps you have heard about the game and are curious to know more? Are you looking for Squash training for yourself or your child? Look no further! This blog will explore all you need to know about Squash and the exceptional training opportunities available at The Acres Club.


Why Squash?

Squash is a dynamic racquet sport that demands flexibility, precision, and strategic thinking. Squash has numerous physical and mental benefits. It’s a fantastic workout that enhances cardiovascular fitness, improves coordination, and sharpens reflexes. Additionally, the sport’s tactical nature nurtures mental agility and enhances problem-solving skills. If you’re seeking a fun way to stay fit, play Squash, it has something to offer everyone. The fast-moving nature of Squash helps burn calories effectively. Regular play can help in weight management. Playing Squash with friends or in Squash clubs provides valuable social interaction.


How is Squash played?

Squash is a fast-paced indoor racquet sport. It is played by two or more people on a court with four walls. The objective is to hit a small rubber ball against the front wall, aiming to make it bounce twice or reach the out-of-boundary area before the opponent can return it. The game begins with tossing a coin. The player who wins the toss decides to serve or receive. Players serve from the service box and the game proceeds with rallies, with the central T being a crucial position. The scoring is based on games to 11 points, with two-point margins for victory. Players change sides on the court after every point. Squash has three types of interactions, Let, No Let, and Stroke.


How to improve your Squash game- 5 tips for beginners :


Observing the opponent

Observing your opponent can be a game-changing factor. Do this during warm-up. Notice their movement, position, and the way of their backswing. This will give you a quick idea about how they are likely to attempt their shot and you will be prepared for your play.

Learn to control the T

Learn to control the ‘T’ and ultimately you will learn to control the match. Hit shots to the different corners of the Squash court and keep your opponent away from your strategic position.

Watch Squash matches frequently

Watching Squash matches can be highly beneficial for beginners as it will provide valuable insights. It will help to improve your skills and understanding of the game. Observing professional players will help you to learn the proper techniques and footwork. 


As we have discussed earlier, Squash demands flexibility of the body and mental agility. Include cardio exercises like running, swimming, and squat jumps in your daily routine. Work on building your endurance. Include leg exercises to strengthen your legs. Remember that a fit body is as important as a good technique in Squash!

Practice More

Practice makes everyone and everything better! The more you practice playing Squash the more your skills will improve and become enhanced. Join the best coaching to take Squash lessons from the best trainers. Learn from your mistakes, and don’t be discouraged by losing during practice, because losing is the first step toward winning! Analyze your moves and strategy, and keep making your game better. Be consistent, patient, and dedicated, and you will shine as the best Squash player.

Squash court at The Acres Club:

The Squash court at The Acres Club is designed to provide a seamless and immersive playing experience. With its smooth and well-maintained surface and excellent lighting, players can enjoy optimal visibility and responsiveness during their practice sessions. The club ensures that the Squash court is regularly updated with the latest amenities and safety features. The Acres Club’s Squash court provides an inviting and dynamic space for players to engage in thrilling matches. The dimension of our Squash court is in line with the regulations set by the World Squash Federation. The court’s walls and floor are constructed with high-quality materials to provide a consistent ball bounce.


Squash coaching at The Acres Club:


We believe that Squash coaching is an invaluable resource for players looking to enhance their skills and performance. If you are an experienced Squash player searching for advanced and super-advanced Squash training, or a beginner looking for the best Squash training in Chembur, The Acres Club is the right place for you.  At The Acres Club, we have two highly skilled coaches dedicated to nurturing players’ talent and enhancing their game. With their expertise and experience, these coaches can provide super-advance training to players of all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player aiming to enhance your techniques, The Acres Club is the best place for you. We offer personalised guidance and support, ensuring that every player can achieve their full potential on the Squash court. The coaching sessions include a comprehensive range of techniques and strategies. The friendly and supportive environment of The Acres Club creates an inclusive environment for all the players. 

Throughout this blog, we have explored the game of Squash, how it is played, its benefits, and tips for beginners. We have also delved into Squash coaching at the Acres Club. To sum up, join us, grab your racquet, step into the court, and immerse yourself in the world of Squash!

Read our next blog Exploring The World Of Corporate Clubs And Their Effect On Corporate Lifestyle, to learn more about Corporate clubs and their effect on corporate lifestyle.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and get updated about The Acres Club.




Swimming is a popular and enjoyable activity that offers numerous benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels. Swimming, a captivating sport, and a refreshing activity has fascinated humans for centuries. Enrolling in the best swimming class can be a fantastic choice if you are interested in learning to swim or improving your swimming skills. This blog will delve into the advantages of swimming and highlight the key benefits of joining top-notch swimming classes.




Full Body Workout: 

Swimming is an activity that involves the coordination of arm and leg motions to move your body in the water, which ultimately engages multiple muscle groups, providing a full body workout that tones and strengthens the entire body as fit as a fiddle.

Cardiovascular Fitness:

As we all know Swimming involves respiratory organs hence it is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that boosts heart health, improves lung capacity, and elevates overall fitness levels.

Weight Management: 

Regular swimming sessions can assist in weight loss or weight maintenance, as it burns calories effectively while building lean muscle mass.




Stress relief:

Regular swimming relaxes your body and mind, and reduces stress levels. It also leads to decreased anxiety and reduces depression. Swimming has a rhythmic nature and soothing sensation of being in water that relaxes your body and improves mood. It can be a refreshing and rejuvenating activity that helps you find mental clarity.

Improved sleep:

Engaging in a swimming exercise can contribute to better sleep patterns, leading to improved overall sleep quality and duration. Swimming is a physically demanding activity that helps to expand energy and promotes physical exhaustion, which can lead to a deeper and restful sleep 

Longevity and overall health:

Because of its numerous benefits, swimming has been linked to increased longevity and improved overall health. Regular swimmers often experience a higher quality of life, with reduced risks of illness like obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers. It promotes longevity by improving cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy weight.

Enhanced Flexibility and better postzure:

The overall engagement of multiple muscle groups in swimming and repetitive nature strokes lead to increased flexibility and improved posture. It also helps to build core strength. It helps you to stay active and maintain your fitness without causing unnecessary strain on your body.


Swimming is a kind of locomotive activity that engages the entire body, requiring coordinated movements of the arm, legs, and core muscles. This synchronisation of movements develops overall coordination and balance.



Swimming lessons often include instructions on water safety, safe entry and exit techniques which ultimately boosts your water confidence.

Enrolling in the best swimming classes not only provides an opportunity to learn or improve swimming skills but also offers a wide range of benefits. Dive into a world of endless possibilities and discover the joy of swimming with our extraordinary classes! Whether you are a beginner eager to conquer the water or an experienced swimmer seeking to refine your technique, The Acres Club’s swimming program is designed to inspire and empower individuals of all ages and skill levels. We have a well-maintained, clean semi-Olympic swimming pool. 

Immerse yourself in a supportive and encouraging environment where you will be trained by well-trained and certified coaches. We have swimming coaching for various age groups starting from 5 yrs. We have started the Get Wet program for toddlers ( 9 months to 3 yrs) as well, considering that learning to swim is not only a valuable life skill but also a fun experience for kids.

In addition to skill development, we are thrilled to announce coaching for differently abled people believing that swimming should be accessible to everyone, regardless of physical abilities. As swimming provides a low-impact exercise that improves physical fitness it is a great option for exercise for people having disabilities. Additionally, swimming offers them an opportunity for social interactions, and water safety awareness. We understand the transformative power of swimming and its numerous benefits our experienced and compassionate coaches provide necessary support and guidance for differently-abled individuals.   

Apart from all of this, we conduct Aqua aerobics sessions for adults which leads to comprehensive body exercise and offers a unique fitness experience in the water.  

Dive into the warmth and luxury of our swimming classes even during the winter! We are proud to offer an exclusive experience with our heated swimming pool (only during winter) ensuring that you can indulge in the joy of swimming all year round. 

Join our swimming classes and embark on a healthy and transformative journey that will make a splash in your life!

Visit our Next Blog On Benefits Of Playing Tennis  

Benefits Of Playing Tennis


Tennis as a sport, in addition to all the basic advantages of physical health that all sports offer, has additional benefits too:

It develops physical strength – Agility, Balance, Coordination, and Speed.

It helps teach about competition, and respect and builds character.

It helps develop concentration/listening skills and builds self-esteem.


Benefits of Tennis coaching


Firstly, it helps one learn the sport at their pace and helps focus on what one wants. The coach helps to assess your style and then use that to help you progress in the areas you’d like to. It should feel a natural progression for you, where while enjoying the process, you can feel your game progressing.

Secondly, it’s a perfect social activity too. Tennis can be played in doubles or singles, but either way, you have to play with another person. The opportunity to socialize with other players is a huge advantage of the game! Being around people with similar interests and goals is rewarding. While learning and playing the sport, children make strong. friendships in a respectful environment while adults can nurture a social circle.

Thirdly, it helps boost brain power – Playing tennis can improve critical thinking, mental alertness, and tactical thinking by making connections in the brain. The sport also regulates serotonin which controls functions such as sleep cycle, appetite, and emotional state.

Fourthly, it helps fight and prevent diseases. It also helps keep cholesterol low thereby reducing the chances of hypertension and cardiovascular issues.

It helps improve agility, flexibility, and balance. Tennis is a sport that calls for constant movement, direction changing and body stretches. Regularly playing tennis helps improve agility and flexibility.

Playing tennis also aids in weight loss. Tennis is a great cardio workout, especially if you’re playing singles as there is constant running, stretching, and moving every inch of your body. As per studies, recreational players can burn an estimated 600 to 1,320 calories per two-hour singles session while competitive players can burn between 768 to 1,728 calories.

It also works as a stress buster. Tennis is a wonderful way to help combat stress! When simply going for a run or jumping on an elliptical you still can let your mind race about other issues and tasks at hand. While playing tennis, the mind is forced to focus on the task at hand in place of daily stresses and to-do lists. Its a vacation, stress free time for your brain!

Tennis can be played at any age. While people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s are not seen playing or tackling football or running up and down a soccer field. But they still play and enjoy tennis. Tennis is a sport that can be played at all ages and all fitness levels!

Seek out the nearest tennis court and start playing the sport and get coached for a world of benefits!

Visit our next Blog on the topic. Private clubs are safe havens for families to spend quality time with each other.

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Clubs are a great destination for sports and sports coaching due to the lack of playgrounds in Mumbai.


With the pressure of mounting population and the need for more residences and offices, steel, concrete and glass structures are mushrooming every day, encroaching upon the green spaces which were earlier available for kids to play in, thus making playgrounds rare. Additionally, land grabbing and illegal constructions are taking away the parks and playgrounds. Further, due to the reduction of green cover, there is a drastic reduction in open spaces for kids to play around.


Even in schools, playgrounds are becoming rare due to lack of space and being replaced with concrete paved areas. Though it offers a space for kids’ activities, it doesn’t provide any physical or health benefits or the therapeutic value and rejuvenation provided by a playground. 


Owing to lack of green spaces to play, kids take to video games, movies, tabs, mobiles, increasing their screen time which increases their addiction to the same which is detrimental at various levels: makes them physically weak, can lead to obesity if doubled up with an unhealthy diet, does not stimulate their minds, can lead to a host of other physical and mental health disorders among many other side effects. The absence of adequate exposure to the sun is linked to depression, weak bones and muscle development among kids. 


The clubs come to the rescue in such situations. They are safe spaces with a lot of greenery, outdoor sports options, and coaching options.

  •  With excellent quality outdoor sports facilities, it’s limited to usage by kids and other sports enthusiasts in the family.
  •  The qualitative sports facilities ensure safe playing and bring out the best of potential enthusiasts.
  • The availability of coaching across various sports allows children and adults to explore multiple sports and narrow down to one of their choices to be pursued.


 The advantages of playing in open, green spaces are multifold.

  • Positive impact on children’s physical health 
    • Firstly, it helps in making kids physically healthier. 
      • It involves a lot of use of motor skills which get enhanced with use.
      • Improvement in eye-hand coordination 
      • It burns more calories, keeping obesity and other lifestyle disorders at bay and strengthening bones and muscles.
      • Playing in the sun also aids in the production of Vitamin D, which further strengthens their bones, making for a healthy foundation. It activates the pineal gland, which is associated with robust immune systems and makes them feel happy.
      • Free play in the fresh air reduces stress levels and keeps kids happy. 
  • Social and Emotional Development
    • Secondly, it aids cognitive and social/emotional development.
      • Unstructured outdoor play helps kids understand concepts of social living – cooperation, sharing, bonding, empathy.
      • While inventing and playing games with siblings, adults or other kids, their communication, cooperation and organizational skills improve. 
      • The kind who have played in the open in their childhood tend to appreciate nature and become environment-friendly adults.
  • Sensory skill enhancement
    • Thirdly, it helps improve sensory skills.
      • Kids, when playing outside, develop better distance vision as their eyes practise to do the same regularly.
      • Most kids’ learning is sensorial – when playing outside, all their senses are used to learn about new things, which adds to their delight. Therefore, this helps them use all their senses to the fullest, which sharpens the same; compared to those kids glued to devices, they only end up using two senses (visual and auditory), which can adversely impact their perceptual abilities.
  • New skills via coaching
    • Fourthly, coaching helps them learn various new skills. 
      • During coaching, people interaction and management skills are required to navigate their way with peers, juniors, and adults. This social interaction provides life lessons that cannot be taught or learnt in any classroom.
      • Learning a new skill – learning new rules, techniques of the sport etc., which enhances their mental capacity. 
      • Their solo time away from friends and family members is the first step towards the taste of independence they learn to navigate.

Therefore, for metro cities like Mumbai, clubs provide an excellent opportunity for kids, working millennials, youngsters and others the joy of playing in open spaces and pursuing a sport in a great and safe environment which can lead to them having better quality of life, overall physical and mental well being. Clubs double up as spaces to rejuvenate oneself and enjoy life to the fullest.